Months ago, I tried the famous Ramen of Ramen Nagi and I've had quite a great experience. 27 June 2015 News about Ramen Nagi have been over food blogs ever since it opened its branches in the Philippines. I have these great expectations about Ramen Nagi and I was not a bit disappointed. We ate at their branch in The Podium mall but...

11 July 2015 Who would miss seeing this big signage of Pares Retiro at night at the slightly lit street of P. Tuazon near Cubao? I wouldn't miss this. Every time we would pass P. Tuazon, I would always see this Pares Retiro jam-packed with people and crave for pares every time but never got the chance until I suggested that we MUST...

26 Aug 2015 I wanted to make a quick post about Chizza, KFC's latest food invention. I was glad that when I got off the bus stop near our home, there was a newly opened KFC where I can buy chicken meals for my dad and grandma and Chizza again. I really liked the taste of Chizza and wanted to try it for...