Stevia: a healthier alternative to sugar and sweeteners

By Jamie - September 30, 2014

I have decided (since last year 2013) to be a healthier person especially in terms of what I eat. Prior to trying out sweeteners to replace sugar in my coffee, I researched heavily if it was really healthy to take sweeteners. I kind of had the idea that since sweeteners are produced artificially, there was no harm in making sure what I would be taking will be really safe and healthy.

Many studies have already proved that too much sugar is not really good for the body. Several alternatives such as sweeteners have been produced commercially and are widely accepted by a lot especially by those who are health conscious. However, recent findings revealed that several popular brands of sweeteners can pose health risks; some are serious.

So I tried searching healthy alternatives to sugar and I've found honey, stevia, and sugar alcohol. 
I got intrigued with Stevia because I knew nothing about it. Upon reading several articles about it, I knew that stevia is a great alternative for me.

Here's some Basic facts of Stevia as found online:

  • Stevia is a sweetener and sugar substitute extracted from the leaves of the plant species Stevia rebaudiana.
  • Stevia is 200-300 times sweeter than sugar, re heat-stable, pH-stable, and not fermentable.
  • Consequently, Japan began cultivating stevia as an alternative. The plant's leaves, as well as the aqueous extract of the leaves and purified steviosides, were developed as sweeteners.
  • Japan currently consumes more stevia than any other country, with stevia accounting for 40% of the sweetener market.
  • In the mid 1980s, stevia began to become popular in U.S. natural foods and health food industries, as a non-caloric natural sweetener for teas and weight-loss blends.
  • In the Philippines (my country), it was available as of 2008.
Why you should try Stevia?
  • First of all, it is 100% natural, zero calorie sweetener 
  • It can lower blood pressure.
  • It appears to improve function of the hormone insulin, helping to lower blood sugar levels. This may be useful for people with type 2 diabetes.
  • The active compounds in stevia have led to numerous health benefits in animal studies, including reduced oxidized LDL cholesterol.

For more info about Stevia, click here.

In the Philippines, it can be bought in the drugstores. The price ranges from 300.00-400.00 pesos per box (100 sachets). I think it can be bought per sachet which is 3.00-5.00 per sachet. I have tried the brand in the picture I posted above.

There are a lot of good things that you can read about Stevia online. I suggest that you should give this sweetener a try.

Have a sweet and healthy life!

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